Versatile Blogger Award

I just received The Versatile Blogger Award from Dacia, my new Weight Watching Blogging Buddy!  Dacia came across my blog just after I started blogging about my Adventures In Weight Watching.  She also blogs about her weight-loss journey.  She has been such an encouragement and an inspiration to me!  I wish she lived closer so that we could be friends IRL, I think we’d really get along… although I’d force her to get her hair cut more than once a year (see her post).  But, I digress…

The Versatile Blogger Award comes with great responsibility!  First, I must choose 7 other bloggers to pass it along to.  I read a whole lot of blogs so it was a bit difficult to choose!  So, here is a variety of the blogs which I make a point of reading every single post.

My Versatile Blogger Award recipients, in no particular order!

The second responsibility of a Versatile Blogger is to share 7 random facts about myself, so here goes:
  1. My husband, Noob, is 9 years younger than me but everyone always seems to thinks he’s the older one!
  2. I also have a health/beauty/fashion based blog called Juleen Kenney, Hair & Makeup (taking suggestions for a more creative name) where I share my expertise (and others) as a hair stylist and makeup artist (shameless self-promotion #1 🙂 )
  3. I have always hated cats, but thanks to my husband I now have two cats named Max and Zoey, and somehow I’ve grown to love them as if they were my children!
  4. Before I became a hair stylist I lived in Southern California and worked for Campus Crusade for Christ – The JESUS Film Project, an international Christian missions organization.
  5. I have recently gone into business with my older brother, and sister and all of our spouses.  We are opening a Wireless Zone  (A Verizon Premium Wireless Retailer) Franchise in Lansing, MI next month (shameless self-promotion #2 🙂 )
  6. If I wasn’t a hair stylist, I think I would have been an interior designer.
  7. My two very best friends (besides my husband, of course) are both named Heather.  One lives in another country now, and the other lives across the country from me.  I met one in college in ’97, and the other at work in ’00.  I don’t see either of them very often, and we occasionally go through long spurts without communication, but they will always be my BFF’s (yes, I realize that is redundant).
Be sure to check out Dacia’s blog, as well as my recipients of The Versatile Blogger Award!

10 thoughts on “Versatile Blogger Award

  1. Congrats Juleen!

    Yes, I too think we would be friends IRL if we lived closer. Another commonality we share- my husband is 6 years younger than me.

    If I lived near you I would totally get me hair cut more. I only get it cut once a year because I struggle finding someone who can cut my super-thick hair correctly. Normally, I have to wait out the haircut until it gets too heavy and then I succumb to getting it cut again. Viscious cycle. Only had one really good hair stylist and if I was still going back home in July I would probably go to her again to get my hair cut.

    • Well, if you’re ever in Michigan let me know! I’ve been to San Antonio a few times. I totally understand about the haircuts! Many years of bad haircuts are what finally led me to become a sylist! 🙂

  2. Pingback: My Versatile Blogger’s Acceptance Speech | Clarbojahn's Blog

  3. HI Juleen, I found your blog as WP’s related article after I published mine. If you would be so kind and tell me how you linked up your recipients blogs to their name, I would greatly appreciate it. I had no idea on how to do this and when I went back in my Word Document to make it a link, it still didn’t work for two of them although now I know why for those particular links. They aren’t the names the blog goes by. So if you would look at my blog post on “My Versatile Blogger’s Acceptance Speech” and comment with your answer I will by very grateful. Every post I write is a learning experience.

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